The Recap

Our completed lap - still so much left to see!

Stats Overview

We have crunched the numbers and the results are in:

Days on the Road: 322

Km's Travelled: 46,150

Litres of Diesel: 7263

Km's Hiked: 545

No. of Campsites: 178

No. of National Parks: 54

No. of Places We Swam: 60

No. of Big Things: 30

The Highlights

We have spent a lot of time reminiscing since we have finished our lap and thought we would make a list of our favourite parts of the trip. We decided to narrow it down to ten because otherwise this post would never end!

10. Ningaloo Reef (Exmouth), WA

Ningaloo is a very beautiful part of Western Australia. Although the reef is no where near as spectacular as the Great Barrier Reef, the fact it is so easy to access makes it a winner! Swimming with the whale sharks is still up there as one of Will's favourite experiences of the whole trip.

Pretty sure that this is Will's favourite photo of himself!

9. Nitmiluk NP (Katherine), NT

I think Katherine is one of those towns that you either love or hate. We both really enjoyed Katherine, however, most travellers we spoke to couldn't wait to get away from the place. The highlight of Katherine is Nitmiluk with the stunning gorge and also Edith Falls. 

Katherine Gorge is so beautiful and so huge!

8. Flinders Ranges, SA

The Flinders had to make it onto this list. They are definitely a very unique mountain range and the colours of the various layers in the rock make for some spectacular views. 

No caption required!

7. Karijini NP, WA

You could literally spend weeks exploring all the gorges in Karijini NP. Some of the gorges are incredibly beautiful. Although, compared to the water in the NT and Kimberley, the temperatures are a little to cold to make swimming enjoyable.

So many pools to explore!

6. Litchfield NP, NT

We absolutely loved our days spent swimming in waterfalls in Litchfield. There are so many falls to explore and we only really scraped the tip of the iceberg while we were there. 

We both wish we could spend some time soaking under waterfalls in the current heat.

5. Esperance, WA

If it had better weather, Esperance would probably feature a little higher on this list! However, in our humble opinion, this area has some of the most beautiful beaches on the entire continent. 

We loved our days beach hopping on pristine beaches around Esperance.

4. Broome, WA

There is no way Broome could not make it onto this list. We had so much fun exploring this town and learning about pearls, not to mention the incredible beauty of the landscape. Plus James Price Point is one of our favourite campsites from the whole trip! 

Floating in on the tide at Coconut Wells is up there as one of our favourite swims!

3. Horizontal Falls (Derby), WA

We were a little apprehensive about visiting Horizontal Falls, due to the cost. However, we are so glad we splurged because it was definitely one of the best experiences we had on the trip! It is such a unique and special phenomena and we were also served some of the best barra we have eaten in a long time!

Sitting in the falls and watching the water go through was a very cool experience.

2. Victorian High Country, VIC

The Vic High Country has got to be one of the prettiest places in Australia. The views are just breath-taking! We only saw a small snapshot of what this area has to offer as we really didn't do any research beforehand. One of the biggest regrets of our trip is that we didn't spend more time exploring this area. Luckily for us it is easy enough to get to so we will definitely be back to check it out more thoroughly!

These are still some of the most spectacular mountain views we saw!

1. Gibb River Road, WA

The absolute winner of our trip was getting to drive the Gibb through the remote Kimberley. It was seriously the most amazing fun and we are already trying to figure out when we can get back there! We have also realised how lucky we were to be up there after all the rainfall, as we have seen lots of pictures and videos of people who travelled later in the season than us and they had barely any water in the river crossings and flowing over the waterfalls.

Take us back to the Kimberley!

Sadly, our year of living the dream has now come to an end! It is going to be so hard to return to normal life and working full time after our adventures. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read about our adventures. We hope you have enjoyed what we got up to and that it has inspired you to go and explore more of the incredible country we call home. 


  1. Welcome home Laura and Will. You will forever have great memories of you trip.


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