Week 1: Bell QLD - Glen Innes NSW

 Stats Overview

Km's Travelled: 1179

Km's Hiked: 10

No. of Camps: 6

The Adventures

The extent of our adventures this week hinged upon the results we received when we got the caravan and car weighed. While we were confidently planning our travels into NSW, our results unfortunately meant instead of crossing the border we only got to flirt with it instead. Our main issue with the weighing was to sort out the compliance of the car as the combined tow ball weight exceeded the vehicle GVM. Luckily, we had already had suspension work done on the car which meant it's GVM was upgraded, however, we did not have the paperwork to support this, which meant a u-turn back towards Brisbane so we could legally tow our setup. 

As it took a few days before we could get the car in to be looked at we decided to spend some time checking out Stanthorpe and Girraween which made up for the delay! Girraween has the famous Pyramid Rock (see the photos below) which we thought we would bravely scale. I chickened out about halfway up, however, Will bravely made it a bit further. We thought we had better leave something to be explored, in case we make it back sometime. Another highlight of the area was visiting Donnelleys Castle which is a series of granite rocks that have been eroded forming a labyrinth of caves. It was definitely a lot of fun exploring all the different tunnels and caves. On our way back to Brisbane we also checked out Queen Mary Falls which was definitely worth the detour!  

After getting the car sorted we were finally able to say goodbye to the QLD/NSW border and head into unexplored territory. After a week of having Peter Allen stuck in my head I was finally able to stop at the Tenterfield Saddler. Unfortunately it was closed so we didn't get to go inside, but it was still nice to have a walk around the town. Will succumbed to the butcher shop which advertised it's decade long reign as the "Sausage King", so we will keep you posted if they are worth the hype. 

Kodak Moments

Campsite near Stanthorpe

Will descending Pyramid Rock

Donnelleys Castle

Tenterfield Saddler

The Big Thermometer at Stanthorpe

The Junction at Girraween

Donnelleys Castle

Our campsite outside Glen Innes

Queen Mary Falls


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