Week 13: Wauraltee Beach SA - Adelaide SA

 Stats Overview

Km's Travelled: 1209

Km's Hiked: 16.5

No. of Campsites: 2

The Adventures

We have survived our week on the Yorke Peninsula. South Australia really does have some incredible beaches. Crystal clear water, soft white sand and sheltered bays -they are like the Whitsundays, minus the crocodiles and stingers! However, while the beaches here may rival Queensland's, the weather certainly does not! We spent 7 nights on the Yorke and had a total of maybe 18 hours of sunshine that whole time. So don't be fooled by the photos below! We also contended with some of the craziest wind we have experienced in our caravan. Over the week we endured strong winds from literally every direction possible. I think it is safe to say we will be cleaning sand out of the car and van for many weeks to come. Even though the weather wasn't on our side, the dolphins were and we got to have lots of fun watching them. We could see them cruising up and down the beach from our van and had the incredible experience of watching a pod of dolphins riding in the waves while we were on one of our hikes! Those special moments made up for all the time spent inside the caravan trying to ride out the wind and rain.

The main highlight for us both on the Yorke was the Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park at the southern end of the peninsula. It is a picturesque part of the peninsula with lots of hikes, beaches and lighthouses to explore. Our favourite hike was the Royston Head hike which gave us beautiful views over the water from the clifftops above. We even saw some emus on the hike which was pretty unreal! We have seen hundreds of emus on our trip so far but have not seen them on the coast until now. We also explored Dolphin Beach and Shell Beach as well as the West Cape Lighthouse and the historic township of Inneston. There is so much more to see in the NP but unfortunately rainy weather was coming in so we had to abandon our adventures. 

Another highlight was getting to take Bertie on her first beach drive of the trip when we went and visited Flaherty's Beach, which was actually named as one of the best beaches in Australia last year. It was definitely a beautiful beach and we ended up making the trip there twice so we could experience it with some sun. Our other notable adventure was hiking to a small secluded beach named "She'll Be Right Bay". How much more of an Australian name can you get?! It was a really tiny bay and we had lots of fun climbing out on the rocks as far as we could without falling into the water. All the people around us surfing and swimming in wetsuits made us fairly certain we did not want to take a dip!

We had been hoping to spend our time on the Yorke doing more hiking and fishing, however, the weather forced us to slow down and relax which we discovered we both needed after the fast paced few months! We have now made it to Adelaide where we will visit some of Will's family and spend a few days prepping for the next leg of the trip - the South Australian outback. 

Kodak Moments

Mandatory tourist shot when on the Yorke - Innes NP

Get a load of that water - Whitsundays eat your heart out! - Dolphin Beach

What a view! - Innes NP

Will missing his pizza oven - Inneston Historic Township

Kitchen with a view - Wauraltee Beach

Not the beach attire we are used to wearing over Easter - Wauraltee Beach

One of the 200 pink lakes on the Yorke Peninsula - Yorketown

The black blobs are the pod of dolphins playing in the surf - Berry Bay

The Big Teddy Bear - Minlaton

Not a bad view to wake up to every morning (well the one sunny morning) - Wauraltee Beach

Sunset over the water - Wauraltee Beach


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