Week 26: Purnululu National Park WA - Kununurra WA

 Stats Overview

Kms Travelled: 960

Kms Hiked: 29

No. of Campsites: 4

The Adventures

We have finally been able to experience our first week of adventuring in Western Australia. It has been nice to hit the road again, although, we have found it has taken a little while to get back into the swing of things after our 10 day hiatus in Kununurra! It has been an interesting week as we travelled south towards Fitzroy Crossing and realised just how many people have been stuck in the Kimberley for the past couple of weeks. As both the Gibb and Fitzroy Crossing have been closed, no one has been able to head south or east, so we have driven past literal caravan cities as so many people have had to set up camp to wait the road closures out. Thankfully Fitzroy Crossing re-opened to vehicles on Monday morning and the Gibb was fully re-opened on Tuesday so we can all finally start making our way across to the coast!

We started our week in Purnululu NP where we had an awesome stay. As there has been so much rain we even got treated to water flowing in the creeks that are usually dry during this time of the year. This made our adventures a lot more beautiful, and a times a little more challenging, than what we thought  we would experience. We did lots of hiking with our favourite places to explore being Echidna Chasm, the famous Bungle Bungles and the Piccaninny Creek area. Although due to the amount of water in Piccaninny Creek, we ended up not being able to get as far as we would have liked while hiking it, as we had to bush bash through the scrub and then tackle multiple creek crossings when the dry ground couldn't get us any further. After a couple of hours of getting continually cut by all the spinifex grass, we decided we had had enough. The only good thing about all the water is that most people couldn't be bothered to try and find a way up the creek, so we got to experience most of the beautiful scenery to ourselves, which is always a special experience in a really popular place!

While we were in the area (its funny how 350kms becomes "just up the road" when in remote places) and had some time to kill, we made the trip out to visit the Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater. It is believed to be the second largest meteorite crater in the whole world and, with a diameter of 850m, it certainly was very impressive! We had an awesome time exploring the crater and were glad that we ended up with some extra time to kill in the Kimberley so that we were able to check it out! And, for those of you who only know of Wolfe Creek due to the Aussie horror flick, you will be pleased to know that we didn't run into any serial killers while visiting the area!

We have now made it back to Kununurra where we have stocked up so that we can spend the next couple weeks on the Gibb River Road, driving through the heart of the Kimberley. Even without all the recent flooding, the Gibb has the notoriety of being the "caravan breaker", so we will definitely be hitting our most challenging adventure to date!

Kodak Moments

We had a few fun obstacles we had to try and get around while doing some of the hikes! - Purnululu NP

The very start of the Echidna Chasm...once inside it just keeps going and going! - Purnululu NP

This was the most impressive sight, seeing the sun lighting up the background while in the chasm - Purnululu NP

Managed to find a little bit of shade to hide from the heat of the day - Purnululu NP

The only way to get a view to photograph the Bungle Bungles at the designated viewing area - Purnululu NP

The Bungle Bungle range lighting up with the setting sun - Purnululu NP

We were very lucky to have Cathedral Gorge re-open on our final day so we could see it! We even got treated to a performance when one of the tour groups tested out the acoustics. - Purnululu NP

One of the many beautiful views of the beehive dome formations of the Bungle Bungle range - Purnululu NP

What a place! - Purnululu NP

One of us believed we could jump across the creek...the other one landed their jump in the middle of the creek... - Purnululu NP

Scenery like this made the wet shoes and carved up legs worth it! - Purnululu NP

Sunset from the top of Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater

Due to all the recent rainfall there was actually water in the bottom of the crater! - Wolfe Creek Crater

The size of the crater is very impressive! - Wolfe Creek Crater

Still a bit of water lying around up here - road into Wolfe Creek Crater

I just love the evening colours in the country - Larrawa Station

The cooler evenings a little further south means we can enjoy an evening fire again! - Larrawa Station


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