Week 34: Exmouth WA - Denham WA

 Stats Overview

Kms Travelled: 1024

Kms Hiked: 8

No. of Camps: 4

The Adventures

This week has been a bit of a different week for us on the road as Will has had to work every day, instead of his normal 2 days. While we didn't have as much time as usual for adventuring, we still crammed as much in as possible into our weekend so that we could keep making our way down the coast. We are starting to realise that the end of the year is quickly approaching and we still have a lot we want to see before we start heading for home!

The focus of our exploration for this week was around the town of Carnarvon. Our first stop was to the Quobba Blowholes, which we had heard a lot about and were very excited to visit. While the main attraction are the blowholes, we also had a lot of fun exploring along the coastline with Will even braving the cold water for a quick snorkel. Another unexpected highlight for us was how pretty the area was as the dunes were starting to be blanketed with all the various wildflowers that were out in bloom. We are definitely starting to notice more and more flowers out in bloom as we keep heading south. 

After the blowholes we headed into Carnarvon to see what the town had on offer. Carnarvon is known for growing lots of fruit and vegetables and we had a great time visiting lots of farm gates to buy their local produce. However, the unexpected highlight of Carnarvon was the Space and Technology Museum which was built to recognise the Carnarvon Tracking Station's support in NASA's manned space program. The tracking station operated between 1964-1975 and was the last station to communicate with the space capsules before they left the earth's orbit. The museum had a lot of really cool stuff including a replica of the Apollo 11 capsule the which gave you the "experience" of launching into space. It was definitely a highlight of our visit, although it is crazy to think they fit three men into the capsule as it isn't very big! The museum also had a lot of interactive games and displays so we ended up spending a few hours learning about space and all the various missions and research required to get man on the moon. 

We are hoping that Will's work will settle back down again so that we can resume our normal travel schedule! Our plan for this week is to explore Francois Peron National Park and the World Heritage listed Shark Bay before we continue our journey south to Kalbarri.

Kodak Moments

Mandatory tourist shot when visiting WA! - Quobba Blowholes

Nothing better than trying out all the station scones. These ones have been voted best in WA! - Bullara Station

After a week at the beach we returned to the red dirt and red sand - Bullara Station

So many massive sea urchin shells washed up along the beach. - Point Quobba

The blowholes were an awesome display of the ocean's power. - Quobba Blowholes

Not a bad view to have from your campsite! - Point Quobba

Replica of the Lunar Module which is what the astronauts used to land on the moon. - Carnarvon

We even made a quick trip to the moon! - Carnarvon

A replica of the Apollo Capsule that astronauts were in when they were launched into space. You are positioned lying down not seated for launch. - Carnarvon

Will was in heaven with all the games and gadgets at the Space and Technology Museum - Carnarvon

Looks like the King's horses and men were able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again...kind of! - Carnarvon


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