Week 36: Eurardy WA - Geraldton WA

 Stats Overview

Kms Travelled: 729

Kms Hiked: 19

No. of Camps: 3

The Adventures

Our adventures through the remote sections of WA have now come to an end as we have made it to the much more densely populated southern part of the state. We are already missing the endless horizon and wide-open spaces we have become accustom to, however, we are also enjoying all the perks that come with our return to "civilisation". We are also hoping that our fuel bill will become a little smaller now that we won't have to drive hundreds of kilometres to make it to the next town!

We started our week at Kalbarri where we spent a lot of time exploring the nearby National Park. After our few week hiatus from hiking, it was nice to get out and stretch the legs. Although, we certainly felt it the next day (and possibly the day after that), after we cockily started our adventure with 13kms of hiking on our first day. We quickly discovered we weren't quite as fit as what we remembered! Kalbarri NP has two sections - one inland where the gorge is and the other section along the coast. The gorge was probably our favourite section of the NP, however, while in the coastal section we did get to watch two pods of dolphins frolicking in the water below from the cliff tops, which was pretty special! Although, we definitely weren't prepared for how busy the park was and have realised that we are going to have to get used to sharing places with lots of other people again. Kalbarri the township will also be forever imprinted on our minds as it is where we almost had our first collision with a massive roo...in the middle of town! Fortunately we didn't have the van on the back so we were able to pull up in time, but we are learning that the wildlife in WA love to spend some time in town! On a side note, I now have to put up with Will paying me out every time I get behind the wheel, so it could be a very slow trip back to QLD if he has to do all the driving!

After Kalbarri, we headed down to Geraldton hoping that the wildflowers would still be in bloom. Unfortunately, due to a fairly dry winter, they only had a short wildflower season and we were a bit late to see the ground carpeted in flowers. We were fortunate enough to see a few pockets of wildflowers during our travels and were very lucky to see some Wreath Flowers which were still had a bit of colour left in them. We were a bit disappointed that we missed the wildflowers, however, the weather is still pretty cold down south so we decided we made the right call enjoying all the warmth of the northern parts of the state, rather than rushing down to see the flowers. 

Kodak Moments

Had some impressive views over the Murchison River while we were hiking. - Kalbarri NP

It is always fun exploring through all the rocks in gorges! - Kalbarri NP

Kalbarri definitely has the tamest gorge hiking we have done, but it still had some fun sections to keep things interesting! - Kalbarri NP

Will enjoying the engineering feat of the skywalk! On the way back to the carpark he tried to tell me of all the engineering fails he reckons he saw...thankfully that was after I had been out on it! - Kalbarri NP

We saw waves! We spent a lot of time watching the surf as we haven't seen real waves since SA! - Kalbarri

There have been a few shipwrecks along this section of the coast. - Kalbarri NP

We saw an emu with his babies! - Kalbarri NP

This is the pinkest of pink lakes we have seen in our travels! Unfortunately the photo doesn't show the bright pink hue we saw, but I promise it is very pink! - Hutt Lagoon

We found a few pockets of pretty wildflowers during our travels - Chapman Valley

The best display of flowers we saw on the Wildflower Trail were the sculptures. - Mullewa

Can finally tick the Wreath Flower off my bucket list for WA! - Pindar

After all the extra hours Will has put in at work over the past few weeks, he finally got to treat himself to some smoked meats...I think the smile says it all! - Chapman Valley


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