Week 44: Sheringa SA - Moonlight Bay SA

Stats Overview

Kms Travelled: 556

Kms Hiked: 0

No. of Camps: 4

The Adventures

After the hecticness of last week we have enjoyed a much quieter week of travel along the Eyre Peninsula. We even lucked out and enjoyed about 5 hours of perfect, summer weather where we could enjoy the beaches...before the wind and clouds came back in. We keep joking that we left SA back in April because the weather was too cold and miserable, although apparently 7 months wasn't long enough of a hiatus, as we have returned to nearly the exact same conditions! 

We started our week off in Coffin Bay where Will got to enjoy experiencing the local delicacy of oysters. He went on a wading tour and also learned how to shuck oysters correctly, which is apparently a very difficult craft! We also went and visited Coffin Bay NP where we summoned up the courage to go for the worlds quickest ocean swim at the beautiful Almonta Beach. Thankfully we only saw dolphins and no sharks in the water! While in the national park we also got to experience some pretty close encounters with the local kangaroos and emus which we thought was pretty cool. Although, when our neighbour came over to let us know that skippy can open kitchen drawers and nick off with food, we were a little less enthused! However, the wildlife encounter highlight of this week was seeing a koala in the wild! While we were exploring Whalers Way, which is a nature reserve on the southern tip of the peninsula, we happened upon a koala crossing the road. He stopped and posed for some photos before scurrying away. That was our first koala we have seen in the wild on the whole trip, so it was pretty exciting! We also got to see some fur seals while we were exploring Whalers Way which was another fun animal to add to our list.

We then headed across to Port Lincoln where we lived the high life trying lots of different local produce. Port Lincoln is known as the seafood capital of Australia and is particularly famed for their tuna. We discovered you can buy locally caught and canned tuna, although it is over $20 a jar! We also discovered a flour mill at the town of Cummins which processes locally grown wheat, so after driving past kilometres and kilometres of wheat fields we now have our own bag of SA flour to enjoy. We quickly discovered there are plenty of treats available to enjoy around Port Lincoln, so we didn't end up having as frugal of a week as we had initially anticipated!

We are now making our way north to Port Augusta where we will come to the conclusion of our Eyre Peninsula exploration and start making our way back to QLD.

Kodak Moments 

We had some uninvited dinner guests - Coffin Bay NP

Will enjoying his oyster experience. They got to shuck oysters on a semi-submerged dining pavilion - Coffin Bay

Not quite as good as Esperance but still a very pretty beach! - Almonta Beach

Photographic proof that we did get into the shark infested waters of the Eyre! - Almonta Beach

Based on the weather forecast we believe this will be our last post-swim selfie of the trip! - Fishery Bay

This has got to be one of the prettiest rock pools in SA, although the steep cliff you have to scale down to get to it meant we weren't going swimming! - Whalers Way

There are lots of limestone cliffs to enjoy when exploring the Eyre Peninusla. - Cape Wiles

How cute is this little fella?! - Whalers Way

The two black marks you can see near the water are fur seals - Cape Wiles

The joys of unlevel ground when you have an outdoor kitchen...Although I wasn't complaining because the height meant I got out of cooking duties! - Port Lincoln

We found plenty of ways to part with our money this week! - Port Lincoln


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